
How To Draw A H2o Mermaid Tail

The Merpeople, also known as Water Spirits in ancient tales, are legendary creatures with fish-like tails from the waist-down. They are also known as the legends of which go back more than three thousand years ago.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Main Canon
    • 1.2 Mermaid Adventures
  • 2 Physiology
    • 2.1 Main Canon
      • 2.1.1 Reproduction
    • 2.2 Mermaid Adventures
  • 3 Culture
  • 4 Pods
  • 5 Diet
  • 6 Moon Pool
  • 7 Sirens
  • 8 Powers and Abilities
    • 8.1 Natural Merpeople Abilities
    • 8.2 Mermaid Magic
  • 9 Weaknesses
  • 10 Known Merpeople
    • 10.1 Mermaids
      • 10.1.1 H2O: Just Add Water
      • 10.1.2 Mako Mermaids
      • 10.1.3 Other
    • 10.2 Mermen
  • 11 Trivia
  • 12 Gallery
  • 13 See also
  • 14 References


Main Canon

Mako's current Mermaid Council.

Eons ago, an army of mermen carried the Trident in battle and behaved in a destructive manner until mermaids from each of the five oceans defeated them by drawing on the powers of the oceans and locked the trident away in the Trident Cave with one of the kinder mermen's help. After this, mermen pods were disbanded, and from then on all mermen were to be abandoned by their mothers to live a solitary life on land with the use of the Legs Spell.

An unnamed merman built the Merman Chamber on Mako Island. He never activated the Chamber and fell in love with a mermaid. They ruled the seas for years.

Around 3000 years ago during the Shang Dynasty, a Chinese Mermaid of the Eastern Pod fell in love with a land boy. Another Eastern Pod heard of this and punished the mermaid and her pod by casting a spell to turn the land boy into a Water Dragon, capable of permanently stripping a merperson of their magic and transforming them into a human, and of killing merpeople. The Chinese mermaid used the Jiao Long Bracelet to undo the spell on her lover and return him to his human form.[1]

In the 1950s, humans Louise Chatham and her friends Julia and Gracie visited Mako Island on the night of a full moon. They entered the Moon Pool under the moon's light and were transformed into mermaids. Soon after, Gracie's lover Max Hamilton learned of their secret. The three of them would experience various hardships as a result, including Julia revealing her secret to the human Karl, who attempted to expose them to the rest of the world.[2] Later, Gracie grew increasingly frustrated with the challenges being a mermaid brought and longed to be human again; at some point, the Moon of Fifty Years occured and she entered Mako's Moon Pool, permanently removing her magic and reverting her to a human once more. Soon after, she would leave behind Max, Louise, and Gracie forever.[3]

Around the 1990s, the powerful Northern mermaid Nerissa had two children: Mimmi, a mermaid, and Zac, a merman. An equally powerful mermaid named Aurora threatened the Northern Pod and later redirected her threat to the Eastern Pod. Fearing for their safety, Nerissa left the older Mimmi with the Northern pod before travelling to Australia, where she performed the Legs Spell to lock infant Zac's powers away and left him in the care of the human Blakely family. She then joined the Eastern Pod and fought alongside them for years. Nerissa eventually confronted Aurora alone, and during the battle Aurora turned Nerissa into a Water Dragon and commanded her to attack the Eastern pod. Seeing no way to defeat the dragon, its members (including a child Weilan and her elderly grandmother) were forced to flee to land across the country of China, scattering the pod.[4] After this, Aurora put Nerissa into a deep sleep that would last for several decades.[1]

By 2013, a pod consisting of over a hundred mermaids lived in the waters of Mako Island. When Sirena, Lyla and Nixie are charged with guarding the Moon Pool during the Full Moon Ceremony, a boy named Zac Blakely fell into the pool by accident and became a merman. When the pod found out what happened, they blamed the girls for breaking the rule and cast them out while the rest of the pod fled to the South Pacific where they joined another pod. To correct the problem, the girls broke the rule of using a Moon Ring to go on land, and later the one that forbade singing the Enchantment Song. They then encountered Rita Santos, a mermaid of the pod who had long since found new life on land, and asked her to complete their training. In the end, Rita deemed them worthy of having Moon Rings.

Rita teaching the girls.

With Zac Blakely being a merman, after he returns the Trident to the chamber he becomes a temporary member of the little pod formed by Sirena, Nixie, and Lyla. While Rita doesn't share their adventures, she is considered part of their pod due to her involvement with the girls in guidance and training. Sirena, Mimmi, Ondina, Evie, and Zac form a little pod in Season 2. Erik, being a merman, becomes a temporary member of the little pod formed by Mimmi, Ondina, Evie, and Zac.

The Canadian Mermaid was recorded by two humans singing the Northern Pod Enchantment Song, and the video was soon after posted online, then removed later the same day. Sirena saw it and was enchanted and sang it to David before Mimmi and Ondina sang the Counter-version song which broke the enchantment.[5]

Nerissa, still a Water Dragon, began experiencing dreams of her now grown-up children, Zac and Mimmi. These dreams awoke her from her slumber, and the first thing she saw was Weilan. Afraid of the dragon, Weilan fled from China to Australia[4], and Nerissa followed, sensing and wanting to see her children.[1]

Mermaid Adventures



Main Canon

Four mermaids.

Merpeople are warm-blooded creatures. They lack gills and only grow them when infected with Fish Fever. As they likely lay eggs and have scales, it is unknown if they can be classified as mammals, though their similarities to humans both before and after performing the Legs Spell implies such.

Mermaids have long orange scaled-tails and a matching orange-scaled tops. Their tails are covered in scales that end in a classic dolphin-shaped fluke. They also have a short dorsal fin running along the backs of their tails from their waists to a little more than halfway down their tail.

Mermen have long blue scaled-tails that ends in a fluke that differs to that of mermaids. They also have a short dorsal fin running along the backs of their tails from their waists to a little more than halfway down their tail.

A merman.

When the Legs Spell breaks, merpeople lose their clothes they're wearing in human form which only reappear when they become human again. Their hair keeps its natural length, but any hair-ties, headbands, hair clips or hairspray disappears, along with their clothes. When they dry, their hair returns to whatever hairdo it was in. As shown when Rikki was trapped in mermaid form due to a full moon, if any additional clothing is added to them, upon returning to human form, they vanish as opposed to being still on them; while not confirmed, its possible they will return upon another transformation or they cease to exist.

Moon Rings, as magical objects, remain even if their mermaid wearers are under the Legs Spell or not.

A merperson's tail is also very strong, this is shown when Emma saves Zane Bennett by smashing in the steel door on Miss Chatham's boat, or when Nixie breaks the frozen surface of the pool in the Grotto.

The transformation also occurs when merpeople are exposed to snow or ice, but since Southern merpeople never interact with snow, they will also develop Snow Rash and become feverish. The only way to cure them is by applying dried seahorse powder onto their skin. Northern, Western, and Eastern merpeople are immune to Snow Rash. Northern merpeople born and raised in icy waters are presumably resistant to the cold since they swim in colder waters around Canada and the Arctic Circle.

While the original live action show only ever shows merpeople holding their breath while underwater, the sequel has specifically stated that merpeople can breathe underwater. Also, merpeople are shown to be able to hold their breath for more than fifteen minutes at a time if needed, with no noticeable discomfort.


It is unknown how merpeople reproduce. As mermen are banished to land when they are young and most mermaids both have not seen them for a very long time and are very scared of them, they do not seem to be required for mermaids to produce offspring, implying that it can be accomplished either through magic or unique physiology where the parent(s') sex is insignificant. As mermaids are the only ones depicted as having children, it is unknown if mermen can reproduce on their own as well, with or without magic.

Young merpeople are referred to as "hatchlings", confirming that they are hatched from eggs that are most likely layed by parents, if not magically created without need for laying. Merpeople's incubation period is unknown.

It is unknown what the offspring of a natural or transformed merperson and a human would be like.

Mermaid Adventures

In H2O: Mermaid Adventures, mermaids have different colored, glittering tails, different with accessories in their hair that match their tops, and silver or gold armbands on both of their arms. They can also speak non-aquatic languages (such as English) underwater, and communicate with sea creatures fluently without having to speak a different language.


Although considered as the same creature, mermaids and mermen have different behaviors. Mermaids are determined to learn more about their powers and master to control them, instead of gaining more. They even have Mermaid School, which teaches their young how to use their powers and using them wisely. They live in pods and are never alone, and aren't really as solitary as mermen (although Lyla is considered a loner, but isn't that solitary and cooperates with the other two). Mermaids usually travel with or hang around in groups of at least two or three other mermaids.

Mermen, on the other hand, are left by their mothers to be raised on land by humans in a adoptive human family, most likely to hide from the mermaids after losing the war to them, which explains why mermaids mentioned that mermen haven't been seen for a while. Originally, both mermaids and mermen lived in groups or pods, but after the great war that happened between mermaids and mermen, mermen no longer lived in pods in the sea. They are described as solitary and territorial. They are also described as power-hungry by the mermaids, and would do anything to obtain power. Zac does not really have this typical mermen behavior, but upon seeing the Trident for the first time, he becomes obsessed with obtaining it. He also believes that he is destined to possess it after he falls into a Moon Spell but then snaps right out of it the moment he touches the Trident for the first time. Unfortunately, after being betrayed by the mermaids, Zac comes to see them as corrupt, trouble-making, selfish, devious, and power hungry. He doubles his efforts to get the Trident and denounces the mermaids as his enemies, vowing to claim vengeance on them for all the trouble they caused him. Later, as the mermaids make many unsuccessful attempts to strip Zac of the Trident, he even goes so far as to try take Mako from the mermaids after he mistakenly believes that they are calling in reinforcements to attack him for the Trident. All of this causes Zac to inadvertently recreate the war between mermaids and mermen and nearly finish the job the mermen of the past began.

Mermaids who fell in love with humans were banished from their pods as it's forbidden for mermaids to fall in love with land people. Natural mermaids can have some difficulty when they obtain legs for the first time, but with a lots of practice, they will overcome this issue. For unknown reason, mermaids are also instinctively terrified of cats. However, they can learn to cope with this fear and conquer it like Rita who loves her own feline, Poseidon. Sirena also shows affection to Rita's beloved pet but her friends, Ondina and Mimmi, though they no longer fear cats, they continue to dislike Poseidon.

Mermaids from the past used to play an ancient game similar to tug-of-war. A mermaid must use whatever power she has to drive a ship to her side. Ancient mermaids may have used real ships long ago but like the siren songs, using real ships was probably forbidden. However, this view is not shared by all mermaids and some may be fascinated by the land and even can fall in love, just like Sirena, Ondina, Rita and Mimmi did.

On their birthdays, mermaids give gifts rather than receive them. Their mothers raise them, but if she has a son, she is forced to give him to adoption to be raised in a foster human family on land. Mimmi was raised by her mother, but at some point she was forced to give her to the Mako Pod until her disappearance. Sirena's only known family member is Aquata, but no other relative as a mother was mentioned, while Nixie, Lyla and Ondina's family were never mentioned. Pods will even accept and raise mermaids from other pods like Mimmi, who is a Northern mermaid raised since a young age at the Mako Pod.

According to Ondina, mermaids share the secret that binds them together, and that mermaids who are in the same pod felt like sisters towards one another, despite having no biological relations. This statement was confirmed as Nixie and Lyla stated that Sirena was like a sister to them. This method also had convinced Rikki to give Weilan and Ondina the Jiao Long Bracelet.


Main article: Pods

Mako Pod

There are pods of hundred of mermaids worldwide, while the Mako Pod consisting of over a hundred. On full moon nights, mermaids all around the world honor the moon with a ceremony. According to Ondina, the Northern Pod knows the best spells and potions. In each pod, there's a Mermaid Council, with Veridia as the Head in the Mako Pod. She makes the laws and rules for the Mako Pod to follow.

Some of these are:

  • It is forbidden to Sirens sing their enchanted songs (exclusive only in the Mako Pod, as it is unknown if other pods allow mermaids to use their ability).
  • It is forbidden to associate with land people.
  • It is forbidden to use a Moon Ring to go on land.
  • It is forbidden to let land people into the Moon Pool, especially during a Full Moon.
  • It is forbidden to fall in love with a land person.
  • It is forbidden to travel too close to land.
  • It is forbidden to reveal their powers to humans.

Mermaids of the pods use the Full Moon as a source of magic and power. They create Moon Rings out of blue moonstone to help increase their magic and can use them to accomplish many complex feats and spells, as the rings can heal injuries but can also cause destruction.

Hatchlings go through training to be worthy of these rings. Mermaid School teaches them to use their powers correctly and to be sensible in the difficult choices made through mermaid life.


Mermaids and mermen lives on a seafood diet. They're able to to eat land food. However, many of them think land food and drinks disgusting, choosing to eat prawns, seaweed and drink sea water instead. A human-turned merperson will still prefer land food, however, he or she can eat or drink anything a merperson native from the sea can, like raw fish and sea water. A full moon can also warp a human-turned's mindset into being free-spirited like a natural mermaid and give them insatiable cravings for raw fish.

As mermen are raised on land by human foster families, they are accustomed to survive on a diet of land food just like their adoptive parents or human siblings.

Moon Pool

Main article: Moon Pool

Moon Pools are a special pools that can turn human beings into merpeople when the Full Moon passes over, ultimately fulfilling its purpose and resulting in the new merperson's Metamorphosis. The two known Moon Pools are located on Mako Island, aproximately 50 km off the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia and in the Irish coast in a set of caves. These Moon Pools are known to have turned Cleo Sertori, Emma Gilbert, Rikki Chadwick, Isabella Hartley, Gracie, Louise Chatham, Julia, Charlotte Watsford, and Evie McLaren into mermaids, and broke the Tailless Spell on Zac Blakely.

On special occasions, the Moon Pool reacts to the Full Moon magically and unleashes special effects. Only a human-turned merperson is susceptible to these events, as their sea-born counterparts are completely immune to all of these following:

  • The Lunar Eclipse: During it, any merperson that once were a human being is in the Moon Pool during the event, they will lose their tails and powers by 12 hours. After this period, they will be once a mermaid or merman again.
  • Special Planetary Alignment: During a rare planetary alignment, the moon will increase the powers of a mermaid or merman that once were human beings, granting them weather powers if they are in the Moon Pool during the event.
  • The Moon of Fifty Years: At every fifty years another planetary alignment takes place. If a mermaid or merman that once were humans is in the Moon Pool during this event, they will lose their tails and all of their powers, returning to be a human once again. Once under this powerful and special Full Moon, they become immune to the effects of the Metamorphosis, meaning they can never become a merperson again by jumping into a Moon Pool and their original human status is permanent. Merpeople native from the sea are immune to the Moon of Fifty Years.


Main article: Siren

Sirens are gifted sea-born mermaids with the ability of Siren Singing. They are known to lure and attract sailors away to their watery graves with their beautiful enchanted songs.

Powers and Abilities

Main article: Merpeople Powers

Mimmi, Ondina, and Weilan using their powers

The Moon Pool grants all merpeople powers to a human who jumps alone to it in a Full Moon night, aside from transforming them into a mermaid or merman. When two or more people enters, the Moon Pool grants them individual powers as it chooses. When mermaids and mermen left the pods that they were born, their powers becomes linked with a specific Moon Pool when they are accepted as part of their new pod.

Natural Merpeople Abilities

  • Limited Transformation - When a merperson is completely dry, their tails transform into human legs and they are under a spell. Ten seconds after touching water or by being exposed to snow or ice, they will revert back to their true forms. A long orange tail with a matching top for mermaids and a long blue tail for mermen. All clothing, including tops, accessories etc, are absorbed by the merperson and vanish during their transformation. Only Moon Rings remain in both forms as they are magical themselves. Humans who have changed into merpeople possess this power since their first transformation. Since mermaids who were born in the sea do not have a human form, they can cast a spell to give them legs with the Full Moon or Moon Rings.
  • Enhanced Breath - Merpeople are able to hold their breath for very long periods of time; they can hold their breath well over fifteen minutes without any difficulty or discomfort.
  • Amphibious - Merpeople's respiratory system can extract oxygen from both water and air, allowing them to breathe freely both underwater and on land.
  • Slightly enhanced senses - Merpeople may have slightly enhanced senses suited to life underwater due to living in the sea. To sea born mermaids, land people smell horrible, even the average hygienic human emits this smell but only mermaids can detect it. However, they can get used to the smell. By smelling Rita's supply of squid ink, Lyla could identify where the species of squid came from. In H2O: Mermaid Adventures, mermaids have the same range of hearing as dolphins. With this sound, they can hear things humans cannot but their human half allows them to hear sounds cetaceans can't.
  • Endurance - Merpeople are able to swim for days without exhaustion, something which no human has the stamina to do. They can dive at depths no human could withstand, even with submarines or the most expensive dive equipment. Rikki took advantage of this to become a famous treasure hunter.
Mako Mermaids Speed-Swimming.jpg
  • Speed-Swimming - It's the ability to swim at an incredible speed, and as such, their bodies is encased in bubbles because of the incredible high speed.
  • Aquatic adaptation - Depending on where they are born and raised, merpeople may be resistant to certain elements in that area. Northern merpeople may be resistant to low temperature as they swim in cold, icy waters like the seas around Canada and the Arctic Circle. The Canadian Mermaid wasn't suffering from the cold or hypothermia, even though she was swimming in an area where the temperature was very low and the humans she attacked were dressed in thick clothing to keep warm, further implying the low temperature and merpeople's cold resistance. Despite this, all merpeople are resistant to the cold of the depths.
  • Siren Singing - A musical/voice-related magical ability that allows a Siren to put boys and men into an irresistible, hypnotic trance in which he will follow them wherever they go. Only mermaids can have this ability, and, just like Zoolingualism, this ability can't be learned and only merpeople native from the sea have it, except when under the Moon Spell in the case of transformed mermaids.
  • Zoolingualism - Some natural-born merpeople have the unique ability to understand and speak the language of sea creatures (for instance, dolphins and whales). It is unknown if the ability can be learned, but it is unlikely. Nixie, Sirena, and Rita are known for demonstrating this ability with dolphins, while Mimmi also speaks dolphin, humpback and blue whale, and northern penguin. In H2O: Mermaid Adventures, the main characters gain the ability to speak with all sea creatures, including cetaceans, cephalopods, fish, marine reptiles, and crustaceans. Just like Siren Singing, this ability can't be learned and only merpeople born in the sea possess it.

Mermaid Magic

Mimmi using her Moon Ring

Main article: Merpeople Spells

Merpeople have a natural gift for spell making or using ingredients found in nature for potions. They make potions to perform things their magic powers cannot like heal wounds, transform animals, grant wishes and neutralize anything, including other spells.

Lewis McCartney found a book, "Mermaid Mythology" that held a recipe for a Mermaid's Potion that could give mermaids the power to grant wishes. It may have possessed more potions like the wish-granting spell.

The Water Dragon's Cold Fire is the only known magic that can strip a sea-born merperson's powers and abilities.

Mimmi using the Jiao Long Bracelet

Moon Rings are a huge part of mermaid magic and every mermaid is taught how to use one and all receive a ring after they finish Mermaid School. Moon Rings are a vital part of a mermaid's survival as merpeople use them for healing what potions cannot, enhance the natural world for camouflage, grant them human form, and amplify their inherent magical powers. With their rings, mermaids can cast many spells. Mermaids can also craft other magical items like the Jiao Long Bracelet. This has red stones, implying mermaids have altered the magic of the stones for a specific purpose. Rita mentions that only a mermaid can wear the bracelet.


Sirena and Lyla with Snow Rash

  • Snow Rash - Southern merpeople in general, such as of the Mako Pod, will be infected with Snow Rash after physical contact with snow. It is followed by several negative symptoms and prevents merpeople from using their powers to warm themselves. A merperson who tries to use his/her power will only generate cold and lower the temperature. The only way to cure Snow Rash is a Dried Seahorse Powder that Rita contains stored within a silver seahorse. To heal, the dust must be sprinkled on the affected part of the skin, and it will immediately disappear. This is because they live in warm and cosy weather, and under normal circumstances never come into contact with snow: Northern, Western and Eastern merpeople are immune to Snow Rash.

Emma with Fish Fever

  • Fish Fever - Is caused by a strange, rainbow-colored coral which houses a poison that affects merpeople, causing them to be overexcited and hungry for seafood, but the more the poison seeps into their system, the more ravenous they get. For Emma, her orange scales turned white and scales even appeared on the skin, her hands became webbed, her nails turned black and later into claws, her skin became more monstrous; her neck sprouted a set of gills, her hair started to turn green, her eyes turned yellow, and she made monster-like noises. Fortunately, she was later cured when Lewis sprayed an antidote developed by Laurie on her.


  • Ambergris - Is an old substance that at one point in time was used to make beauty products such as ladies perfume. It comes from the intestines of a whale and it can be used to attract mermaids. In "Irresistible", Zane Bennett finds some old ambergris which Nate later tries on. The smell from the ambergris makes him stink but it also makes him literally irresistible to Cleo, Emma, and Rikki. Ambergris was also one of the ingredients used in Mimmi's Fifty Moons Potion to try to remove Zac's powers.
  • Allergic Reaction - Mermaids seem to have an allergic reaction to a certain substance of aftershave, which cause their powers to blow uncontrollably when they sneeze. Mermaids also had an allergic reaction to a formula that Lewis created to allow them to get wet while in human form, without transforming. The allergic reaction however only manifested as red spots all over their bodies when mermaids were in their human form. Besides this, Lyla, upon being asked by Dr. Blakely of what sort of allergies she has, she calmly responds with: "Only kelp spores in the Atlantic."
  • Sickness - Merpeople don't get sick, unlike humans. However, they can be infected if they come across a sick land person and can spread it to other merpeople as well. The symptoms involve oozing heat from out of their bodies and breathe fire whenever they sneeze. Rita Santos invented a remedy for such situations after coming across such occasions multiple times. Mimmi, being inexperienced with such situations, tried to concoct a potion, but it only worked temporarily, after which the sick merpeople will feel cold and eventually sneezes snow.
  • Moon Pool's Magic - Moon Pools is what gave merpeople their magical powers. When a human is transformed into a merman or mermaid, they are magically linked with the Moon Pool that turned them, however, they aren't susceptible to its effects, unlike those native from the sea, who will die and perish along the Moon Pool.
  • Water Deprivation - Although merpeople can cast a spell to grant themselves human legs, they cannot remain in such state for so long and need to swim regularly in order to stay healthy. Water deprivation can kill a merperson who, by some reason, are unable to touch water.

Known Merpeople


H2O: Just Add Water

  • Charlotte Watsford (temporarily)
  • Cleo Sertori
  • Emma Gilbert
  • Eva †
  • Gracie † (temporarily)
  • Isabella Hartley
  • Julia †
  • Louise Chatham
  • Rikki Chadwick

Mako Mermaids

  • Eastern Pod Mermaids
    • Unnamed Chinese Mermaid †
    • Weilan
    • Weilan's Grandmother
    • Dozens of Unnamed Mermaids (temporarily)
  • Evie McLaren (temporarily)
  • Mako Pod Mermaids
    • Amaris
    • Aquata
    • Aurora
    • Ava
    • Jewel
    • Lyla
    • Maya
    • Naia
    • Neptina
    • Nixie
    • Ondina
    • Rita Santos
    • Sirena
    • Veridia
  • Northern Pod Mermaids
    • Unnamed Canadian Mermaid
    • Mimmi
    • Nerissa
  • Southern Mermaids
    • South Pacific Pod Mermaids


  • Cleo Sertori (MA)
  • Emma Gilbert (MA)
  • Rikki Chadwick (MA)
  • White Mermaid † (Mermaid Adventures)
  • Unnamed friend of the Architect (The Bureau of Magical Things)


  • Zac Blakely
  • Erik
  • Unnamed Ancient Kinder Merman †
  • Nerissa's merman ancestor †

Note: † = Deceased


  • Merpeople native to the the sea do not have a human form, although they have the ability to give themselves one casting the Legs Spell with the Full Moon or using a Moon Ring. They also have difficulty getting used to walking at first but with lots of practice, becomes a habit.
  • Merpeople native from the sea are completely immune to the Full Moon's special events on a Moon Pool, like the temporary twelve-hours Lunar Eclipse or the dangerous power-stripping Moon of Fifty Years.
  • Body fluids such as tears and saliva, despite containing a high percentage of water, are not enough to make a merperson transform.
  • Water is much more than a mermaid's home. Water can help heal or revive them. However, this only applies to certain illnesses or injuries as it takes more than water to heal a mermaid who is struck by the Moon Ring or the power of the Trident. Mermaids who stay in the sea don't get sick.
  • The Moon Ring can be used to help heal a mermaid from certain injuries or traumas. Merpeople can speak the languages of certain sea creatures, including dolphin, northern penguin, blue and humpback whale.
  • Merpeople, including those who were born in the sea, are said to have a hard time controlling the power of the full moon when they haven't been properly trained. For this reason, they need to learn to concentrate on letting the moon's magic flow through their bodies rather than resist it. After this, they can wander out in the moonlight.
  • The dangerous reputation of the Northern Pod may have been inspired by the legends of dangerous, wicked mermaids which are most common in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Mermaid knowledge is limited to the creatures of their oceans. Mimmi was unaware that penguins are only native to the Southern Hemisphere, despite the fact that she actually can talk with them.
  • Mermaid's natural predators are orcas, whales and giant squids. Rita uses these as examples of why a mermaid would require a certain power if she ever came across them.
  • Just like in the legends, mermaids native from the sea have a slight streak of vanity and often comb their hair with seashells, like in the classic depictions of mermaids.
  • Merpeople native from the sea tend to be given names with meanings that relate to water in some way, including literal translations to "water", or relating to mythological figures related to it such as gods, goddesses, and spirits. They may also be named after celestial or weather phenomenon, pretty things, or colors associated with the sea.
  • Merpeople can use hairdye, but due to the fact its applied in their aquatic form, they lose it upon drying off.
  • While merpeople do age, their lifespan is far longer than the human one - Weilan once stated that that due to Ondina's personality, they would become friends only in " a couple of centuries", which indicates merpeople can live for at least a few centuries.
    • Its unclear if this applies to human-turned merpeople as well, though it likely does, as they appear to be biologically identicle to naturally born merpeople.
    • Like all other merpeople traits, this slower aging is supressed by the Tailless Spell; thus, merpeople affected by the spell grow old at the same rate as humans.


Main article: Gallery: Merpeople

See also

  • Characters
  • Merpeople Powers
  • Merpeople Spells


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Homecoming
  2. In Too Deep
  3. The Gracie Code (Part 1)
  4. 4.0 4.1 A Visit from the East
  5. The Siren (Season 2)

How To Draw A H2o Mermaid Tail


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