
How To Draw Pokemon Go Teams

How to host an awesome Pokemon Go-inspired Party.

Pokemon-Inspired Party
Water bottle labels | Team stickers | Cake pop tags | Printable

With the release of the app, Pokemon is back and better than ever. Not only does it encourage exercise, but it also allows users to explore their hometown! With a bit of creativity, you can incorporate Pokemon Go to your next birthday party.


1. Decorate with DIY garlands.
Use our free printable to create customized flag banners. We used the printable to create "Happy Birthday Xander" and team banners. You can download it here.


2. Pokemon Ball Cake Pops
Instead of a birthday cake, offer Pokeball Cake pops!
If you want to take it to the next level, you can use cake pops to divide your guests into teams. Each Pokemon Go team has their own color: Valor is red, Mystic is blue, and Instinct is yellow. So when baking your cake pops, use strawberry batter for red, lemon for yellow, and vanilla with blue coloring. That way, when your guests bite into a cake pop, the color inside lets them know if they are on Team Mystic, Valor or Instinct.

Pokemon-Inspired Party IMG_3267

For packaging we used Aurora in size 08 and used the fontMarujo. We then hole punched the top and bottom so it could fit the cake pop stem.


3. Sticker Souvenirs
After all your guests know which team they are on, give them stickers to put on their shirt. Not only are stickers fun for the kids, but they help let you know which guest is on which team. We used labels in Aurora size 12 in colors sunflower, cherry red, and turquoise. We used the fontMarujo on all stickers.

4. Go play Pokemon Go.
After you divvy up into teams Valor, Mystic, or Instinct, go out and play Pokemon Go! If your guests range on the younger side, assign at least one adult as a supervisor per team.
Drive out to the nearest park and explore!


5. Be prepared!
Make sure to keep hydrated! Give your teams water bottles to carry with them as they search for Pokemon. Have the designated supervisors keep a basic first aid kit, a flashlight, and portable charger.


6. Don't have Pokemon Go?
You can play these games that don't require the app or a smart phone.
Indoor games
Pokerades –  Divide up into your 3 teams.  Write down the names of your favorite Pokemon onto slips of paper and put into a bowl.  Have the teams take turns acting out each Pokemon.  Award points for correct guesses!
Draw my Pokemon – In this game, you'll need pictures of different Pokemon.  A neutral person will describe the Pokemon, and everyone will attempt to draw it.  (For example, the Pokemon has a long tail, and large, pointy ears.)  The team that comes the closest to drawing the Pokemon wins the points!  Bonus points if they can guess which Pokemon was being described!
Pin the tail on the Pokemon – Draw a Pokemon on a large piece of poster board or construction paper, and cut out several tails. Blindfold one person and spin them around 3 times.  See how close they come to pinning the tail on the Pokemon.  Repeat until everyone gets a turn.  The team that comes the closest wins!

Outdoor games

Lucky Egg Hunt – Get red, yellow, and blue plastic eggs.  Fill with treats. Hide the eggs around the yard or park.  Have the 3 teams hunt for the eggs.  Award 5 points for each egg found.  Award a bonus 5 points if that egg corresponds with their team color.  The team with the most points wins!
Gotta catch 'em all! – Fill 10 blue, red, and yellow balloons with water. Separate members of each team 20 feet apart.  Have them toss the balloons from one team member to the next until every teammate has caught the balloons, and put all of the unpopped balloons in a bowl at the end.  The team with the most unpopped balloons wins!
Battle! – In a small children's pool, place assorted plastic red, yellow, and blue ball-pit balls.  In a circle approximately 15 feet from the pool, have pairs from each team set up like a wheelbarrow. When you say, "Battle!" each pair will 'wheelbarrow' toward the pool and try to grab balls that correspond with their team color and retreat back to the starting line.  Set a time limit.  The team with the most balls across the starting line after the time limit wins the battle!

7. Prizes
Give out Pokemon-inspired prizes! We love these trinkets from our favorite Etsy shops:

pokemonbraceletPokemon Charm Bracelets – 2.50+
Mini Pokemon Ball Pinata – $10
Pokemon Pendant Necklaces – $3.00+

(193 Posts)

Josephine Guicciardi is the nom de plume of our creative Evermine blogger. With romantic connections to Ludwig van Beethoven's "Immortal Beloved" love letters, it is in keeping with the blog's themes of love and joy. The great composer writes the famous words "ever thine, ever mine, ever ours" to a woman who remains a mystery to this day. Two of the most likely objects of his adoration are Josephine Brunsvik and Guilietta Guicciardi, and it's from these two women that Josephine Guicciardi draws her persona.

How To Draw Pokemon Go Teams


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