
teenage mutant ninja turtle drawing

How to draw a Ninja Turtle

How to draw a ninja turtle.

Seriously. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is one of my all-time favorite shows!

Here in this lesson – as voted for by visitors to this site…

Learn how to draw, not just one – but all four of them.

Given that each one – Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo – all have the same physical look…

Simply change up the weapons and colors, depending on which one you're going for.

Let's begin!

Drawing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

First thing then – how to draw a Ninja Turtle…

Take a look at the following framework – one that's composed of an assortment of basic shapes – namely…

Circles and ovals.

Here it is…

How to draw a Ninja Turtle framework

And again – given that each of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, takes on the same physical form…

Here's how I went about accounting for their differences, colored lines to place-hold the approximate location of the weapons they'd be carrying.

Donatello of course – carries a bo (staff). You can see his weapon in purple, on the right.

Raphael carries sais. Shorter than Leonardo's swards, they're seen as red lines – one for each hand.

Michelangelo, with his nunchucks – will in a sense need 'four sticks'.

And Leonard – again, the Ninja Turtle that we're focusing on here – has two swords, also seen below, in blue…

How to draw a Ninja Turtle - four different characters

OK then.

Decided which one, you're going to draw?

Here's how to draw a Ninja Turtle – beginning with the nose and mouth…

How to draw a Ninja Turtle's nose and mouth

Next, go ahead and draw a few arcs – bringing into view the eyes, as well as the core of the mouth area…

How to draw a Ninja Turtle's head

On to the top of his head now, and also a couple more lines – bringing into view, the area where his mask tapers off, tying together – just behind…

Move on down to his mid-body area, drawing a circle or square – something to mark of the central part of his belt.

Like so…

How to draw a Ninja Turtle's head and buckle

Next up – given that I'm focusing on Leonardo, this time around…

Draw some more of his body – but also…

Begin to sketch in his weapons.

For Leonardo – it's the blades of his swords, as well as hand protectors. I drew them now, as they'll slightly obscure the top parts of hands, soon to come.

For Raphael and Donatello's weapons – you can approach them in much the same fashion.

For Michelangelo's nunchucks though, you'll want to draw the lower stick of each nunchuck – now…

As they'll hang forward, completely covering parts of his hands.

Here's how Leonardo looks, so far…

How to draw a Ninja Turtle's undershell, belt and swords

Fading out, what we've already drawn – to grey…

Continue drawing your Ninja Turtle, carefully sketching his hands – making fists around the weapons…

And also – bring out more of the body area.

How to draw a Ninja Turtle's hands and shell

On to the forearms…

How to draw a Ninja Turtle's arms

And next – keep right on going – carefully bringing your character into view, joining the arms to the body, by sketching in a couple arcs for the neck area.

Then, continue on with the legs, like so…

How to draw a Ninja Turtle's neck, shoulders and legs

OK. How "how to draw a Ninja Turtle" lesson – just about complete now…

Finish off your character, by sketching the feet.

And then go ahead and draw the shell – as part of it *might be seen* hidden by most of his body.

Oh – and don't forget the ends of his mask, hanging down from the knot that's tied – just to the side (or behind) – his head.

Here's how mine looks…

How to draw a Ninja Turtle's shell and feet

Here's the finished drawing – minus any framework lines…

Black and white drawing of a Ninja Turtle

And finally – some color!

Cartoon drawing of a Ninja Turtle

Well, there you have it.

Leonardo – one of four different Ninja Turtles…

Complete! 🙂

You know what though? You could also have drawn "Slash" – an evil version of a Ninja Turtle. Google what he looks like, and incorporate his features, as you see fit.

And also, you could have drawn "Metalhead" – again, similar to the Turtle's form – but in this case…

A robot version!

And that's, how to draw a Ninja Turtle.

As always, hope you enjoyed the lesson. See you real soon for another!

teenage mutant ninja turtle drawing


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