
How To Create Web 2.0 Website

Best web 2.0 site list to create valuable backlinks to your website. If you are looking for ways to create quality backlinks to your site, you must have come across the word "web 2.0" already.

When you plan backlinks for your new blog or business site, there are some different strategies you can follow.

You can choose to hire someone and let that person create backlinks for your site, but you will not have complete control over the backlinks that are being created.

It is very important to create quality backlinks to your site vs. quantity. A few strong backlinks from top quality sites will give a lot more advantages over tons of backlinks from spammy sites.

There are so many agencies these days offering backlink services, who generally create backlinks from private blog networks or web 2.0 sites.

So, why should you play a hefty amount when you have this list of top web 2.0 sites ready to be used.

When it comes to creating backlinks for your blog, the social bookmarking sites are one of the old ways to create some links to your site.

We have this list of high domain authority social bookmarking sites where we have included only the top quality sites that are certainly going to benefit your site.

Start Creating web 2.0 backlinks

What Are Web 2.0 Sites?

In simple words, we can mark the web 2.0 sites as community blogs. These sites allow users to write their content and publish on their platform.

The web 2.0 sites are popular among users, and they have high domain authority. Not only for backlinks but you can use the quality web 2.0 websites to create your online credibility as a content publisher.

These sites generally get a lot of traffic, so if you are creating high-quality content on that site regularly, you can expect a good amount of traffic to your site along with the backlinks.

Web 2.0 Site Rules

There are certain rules you need to look at before posting on the web 2.0 sites. Now, these are not the rules of that site; all the sites have their own set of rules. However, we will talk about the general rules you need to follow while submitting on those sites.

Most of us create content on the web 2.0 sites just for the backlinks. So, we don't bother about the quality of the content, which is not the correct approach.

You will see some articles from web 2.0 sites getting ranked on the first page of Google driving tons of traffic to those articles, that's because those articles are of top quality.

So, why not create articles that may become a long-term asset for your site. Here are a few rules you need to standby.

  • Submit good quality content only
  • Link to other authority sites along with your blog.
  • Don't stuff links to your pages
  • Link only to the most relevant pages on your site
  • Be active and write regularly to get a long-term benefit
  • Don't be over promotional

Top Web 2.0 Website to Create backlinks

Before we go to the complete list, let's have a look at some of the must use web 2.0 sites that will help you to create strong backlinks to your site.

01. Blogger.Com

Blogger platform is owned and managed by Google. With a domain authority of 100, your site will surely get benefited some quality links from the blogger platform.

There are many bloggers who use this platform as their main blogging platform. However, even if your site is on some other platform like WordPress; you can create a free blog on Blogger and start creating content with links back to your site.

Check best free Blogger templates

Domain Authority: 100

Blogger Web 2.0

02. WordPress.Com

WordPress is the biggest and most widely used blogging platforms on the internet. WordPress powers over 30% of the internet.

But here we are talking about the free blog on, not the WordPress self-hosted software.

On the WordPress platform, you can create a free blog with WordPress subdomain and start publishing content. You can create some good quality content and start making backlinks to your site.

Domain Authority: 94


03. Wix

Wix is another very popular platform to create a website. There are many popular sites that use Wix as their preferred platform to create a blog.

No matter you are a newbie or a pro, you have great design options to create a site. If your motive is to get a backlink to your main site; you can create a free blog and start publishing content.

All you need to do it to create a profile and click on start a site, the automated Wix system will create a great looking website in a minute.

Once the site is ready, keep the sections you want and get some high-quality backlinks to your site. The Wix interface is clean and very easy to understand.

We have listed some of the best Wix site examples here in this post, don't miss it.

Domain Authority: 93

Create a Wix Site

04. Weebly

Weebly is one of the best platforms to create a free website and consider as one of the top web 2.0 sites. If you go for the free blog, you will have to use the .weebly subdomain.

The process is very quick and simple. So, create a blog and start making some high-quality backlinks for your main blog.

Here is a list of over 50 best Weebly site examples.

Domain Authority: 92

weebly web 2.0

05. Tumblr

Tumblr is one of the most popular and widely used microblogging platforms. You can create a free blog on Tumblr and start creating backlinks to your site.

From text articles to great engaging images, the Tumblr platform is one of the busiest content publishing platforms on the internet.

We have created some very useful article on Tumblr, here they are

  • Over 50 Best Free Tumblr Themes
  • Best Premium Tumblr Themes
  • Tumblr Style WordPress Themes

Domain Authority: 99

Tumblr Site

06. Medium

Medium is another extremely popular content publishing platform. If you like to read content or write content, Medium is one of the best places to be.

You can create a profile and start writing content on Medium. You can also import your blog articles on the Medium platform with just a click.

Domain Authority: 93


07. Strikingly

Strikingly is a popular option to create a free website these days. Now, you can use this platform to create a site, and some content so that you can create backlinks to your money posts.

When we say money posts, these are the posts that drive the maximum revenue for your business, and you need to keep these posts fresh with new links and content on a regular basis.

So, try this amazing platform to create a free site today.


08. Xing

Xing is a popular career oriented social media network site like LinkedIn. Xing might not be as popular as LinkedIn but it is a very helpful site to find jobs, get information related to your industry and connect with like minded people.

Xing is free to use, you can simply signup in the site and get started. You can use this site to create your own authority in the topics that you are expert in.


Here is the complete list of the best Web 2.0 sites that you can use to create powerful backlinks.

Please Note: The domain authority keeps on changing with every update. So, at times the DA may be different than mentioned in this list.

Web 2.0 Sites Domain Authority 99 92 88 94 93 73 93 87 92 79 77 89 83 91 92 80 50 88 68 77 88 48 92 89
91 93 58 58 77 91 93 93 34 74 88 48 66 68 46 75 83 93 44 23 74 75 92
Fandom 94 92 89 79
Xing 92 54

FAQs About Web 2.0 Sites

01. What is Web 2.0?

The term web 2.0 defines the dynamic websites that generally allow users to create content. For example, social media sites are considered as the web 2.0 sites.

02. Are Web 2.0 Sites Free?

Yes, most of the web 2.0 sites are free for users. You can create your account and start creating content on those sites.

Q3. How Can Web 2.0 Sites Help?

The web 2.0 sites can help you to distribute your content through their platform to a new audience and bring traffic back to your site. The backlinks that you get from the web 2.0 sites are quite useful as well if your content is good.

Q4. How Many Web 2.0 Sites Should I Use?

You can use as many web 2.0 sites as you want to be active on. You just need to make sure that you share good quality unique content to all those platforms.

How To Create Web 2.0 Website


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